Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bye Bye Binky

In August when I moved to my new "big girl" classroom (The Dolphins) at school I was told two things:

1.  Dolphins go potty in the big girl potty (that's another post coming soon)
2.  Dolphins don't have binkies

I wasn't too sure of this at first but then I realized I was a big girl and I didn't need my binky any more.  Mama told me I could give my binkies to the new babies at the hospital.  When I decided that was what I wanted to do we made a box for them so we could take them to the new babies.

Uncle Jake was in St Louis and since he is the best artist I know it was fun having him help me decorate my box. On Saturday morning we took my box to the nearest hospital and I told my binkies bye bye.  I was a very big girl and handed them over to the nurse right away!! Then Daddy, Mama and Uncle Jake took me to Target to get a new toy.  I told them I wanted a baby doll but found a V-tech letter tracer that I liked instead.  

I cried at nap time that day and bedtime for 2 nights for my binky but after that I haven't even thought about it!!  Mama and Daddy remind me all of the time that they are so proud of me and can't believe what a big girl I am now!!

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