Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Goddard School

I started a new school since we moved from Kansas City to St Charles. I LOVED my first school, La Petite and all of my teachers there and was sad to leave them. The first week we were in St Louis Mama took me to visit and meet my teachers. I walked in and immediately started playing with the other children. I did make sure Mama was where I could see her the whole time. We had a snack and did an art project and then we left. The next week it was time for me to go to school and this time Mama was leaving me there. ALONE. Well not really alone, I have 15 friends and 2 teachers. Ms Sam is the lead teacher and the one I am favoring thus far and Ms Leah is the other teacher who Mama says is just as nice! I cried the first week every morning when Mama left. As the days went on the teachers told Mama I was doing better each day, not crying as much and putting my "night night" in my cubby more and more. Now we are at week 4 and I don't cry in the mornings unless Ms Sam isn't there yet and I don't carry my "night night" except at nap time!!

I am learning how to talk a lot more (all the other children in the class are 2 years old and that is pushing her vocabulary) and since this has started I have a lot of words I want to say I just can't get them all out quick enough so I am starting to stutter. Mama says it is cute and will go away, Daddy is concerned I will need therapy!

Here are some pictures from school for the month of September .. hope you like them as much as I do!

some art work that we got to bring home

Inside of Grandparent's Day cards

Outside of Grandparent's Day Cards

Pajama Day

On my first day we made Grandparent's Day cards..that also happened to be the first day GiGi was at our house and she got to come and have snack and help me decorate my cards..so.much.fun!!!

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